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Our Story

The Birth of Dffrnt

Imagine a dreamer in the chaotic streets of Bangkok, always cooking up quirky business ideas. It wasn’t until a sushi-soaked reunion in Sydney with his best friend—an entrepreneur with an unwavering belief in our vision—that things clicked. Over nigiri and nostalgia, his confidence and drive to see it through turned our dream into a reality.

What followed were countless late nights, wild name ideas, and epic brainstorming sessions in some crazy little bars between Bangkok and Sydney. We realized that what we loved most about our life spent abroad in different countries and cultures were the differences—they’re the spice of life, adding depth and color to our world.

But our Italian hearts wouldn’t settle for anything less than excellence. We vowed that Dffrnt would be a worldly brand, yet crafted with the impeccable quality of Italian manufacturing.

Join us on this epic journey. Celebrate your uniqueness, and embrace being Dffrnt with us.